Would you like to make this site your homepage? It's fast and easy...
Yes, Please make this my home page!

Welcome fellow Night Person, if you're curious what you have stumbled upon, it is The Secret Circle Link Exchange formally known as the: First L.J. Smith Link Exchange.
(It was changed because The Institute claimed I stole the idea and the entire Straightway page which I DID NOT!!!!
I never plagerise (which I've been accused of) so in order to stop the nonsence of being called a plageriser, I've changed my link exchange title. (Even after all the research I did to find out if there was an L.J. Smith link exchange on the Net before created it in early Feburary---1998). Though no one approached me to get the facts straight, I was simply accused of plagerising.)
It's basically for those of you who have an L.J. Smith site or page and want more people to know just what you have to say.
So why not sink your fangs into this and join The Secret Circle? But first, please read the following guide lines and rules so everything works just right. . .

Guide Lines
There's only SIX guide lines for this link exchange, please make sure you take note of them, or your link exchange won't work!!!
When you create a banner for your homepage please make it to the following pixels: 460 wide by 60 high (460x60)
You can choose to submit it to the secret circle link exchange server OR upload it to your site (if you choose this option, please E-mail the banner URL to me.
Each banner used to advertise your site will be given it's own coding so it won't cache, even it's on the same page or a separate one of your site. (Tell me if you plan to use it more than one).
If you own an L.J Smith page, e.g. fan fic you can still get in!
Your will NEVER see your own banner shown on your page, but you WILL see one or two commercial ones to keep the link exchange free.
By any chance you wish to leave the link exchange, please E-mail me first, so I know you have taken down the coding, but I WILL keep your banner on display as a gesture to you and give you more traffic.

The Rules
Please make sure you follow these rules and agree to them before you decide to join. Failure to go by these rules may result into your link exchange membership be discontinued.
The Do's:
DO make your own banner any style you like as long as it's 460x60
DO be creative when creating a banner or ask me to do one for you.
DO make sure your site is up and URL correct BEFORE applying for membership. The more complete, the better the chances of taffic to your site.
DO choose a link exchange logo and put it next to your coding (information on this can be found on the join page and in your welcome E-mail). And you can make your own logo as long as it's 60x60.
Do be polite to a new member if they ask you for help.
The Don't's
DON'T abuse the link exchange by placing it where no one will see it. (You may put it on your Links page if you wish)
DON'T be affraid to ask for help if you're having trouble.
DON'T change the coding given to you.
DON'T have ANY slander against L.J. Smith or her work on your page.
DON'T have ANY offensive material on your site AT ALL
Back To Lacey's World--"The Secret Circle Ring"
Night Creatures have been here
Images on this page were edited by "Lacey Redman".
The link exchange is FREE provided by Orbit Cycle for personal use.
All images belong to their respectful owners.